Starting today, you can register for the Caparica Czech Surf Open 2022, which is the first stop of the Czech and Slovak Surfing Tour 2022/2023 and the first of two qualification events for the ISA World Surfing Games 2023, which will be held in El Salvador in May 2023.
Information about the competition
In addition to the main categories Men's Open and Women's Open the categories of Children up to 10 years and Children up to 14 years have been announced. The event will also include a longboard expression session.
Competitor registration and insurance
In addition to filling out the form on our website, you will need to register for the competition using the LiveHeats app at this link - www.liveheats.com/czech.surf. Registration for the competition closes on 21.9.2022 at 11.59 pm! All registered competitors will be insured for the duration of the competition with Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s.
Friday 23.9.
18-22 h - Check-in for accommodation
20 h - Welcome drinks, riders' meeting
Saturday 24.9. - Tuesday 27.9.
Waiting period
Tuesday 27.9.
20 h - Afterparty
This year there is a possibility of shared accommodation in bungalows for 4 people in the Orbitur camp about 15 minutes walk from the event venue. The price is CZK 3 330 per person for 5 nights (23rd - 28th September).
As part of the registration you can choose either just the entry fee (start in competition + event t-shirt + discounted surfer menu at Alma Caparica in the contest venue) for CZK 1 000 or just accommodation (accommodation in a cabin at the campsite for 5 nights) for CZK 3 330 or all of the above in a package for CZK 4 330.
In addition to the entry fee and accommodation, you can also book some extras, which will be paid on site:
1x surf yoga lesson on the beach under the guidance of Verča Ševčíková - free of charge!
Surf school for beginners at NZS Surf school - 5 lessons - 130€ (one single lesson costs 30€)
Advanced surf training for competitors and experienced surfers with Gonçal Silva from Clube de surf de Lisboa - 3 sessions - 90€
Yoga class 3 times in the morning at NZS Surf School - 3 lessons - 36€ (one lesson costs 12€)
While fiiling out the registration form, please click on any extras you'd like to book. You will receive a confirmation email followed by an email with further instructions and an invoice with a payment date. Reservation will only be confirmed after payment is received. Thank you for your understanding.